Ana, portrayed by Camila Mendes, works as an employee at an art auction house owned by Claire, played by Marisa Tomei. Claire is notorious for her ruthless nature as a boss. Despite her eagerness for opportunities, Ana is struggling to find them and hopes to impress Claire with her art history degree. One day, Ana comes across a typo in an auction catalog and surprisingly, Claire rewards her by inviting her to London. The company is competing for the chance to handle a significant collection that is soon to be released into the market. Throughout her journey, Ana faces various attempts of sabotage from her office rival, Suzette, portrayed by Rachel Matthews. Despite the challenges, Ana remains focused on her work. However, her attention is diverted when she meets a man named William, played by Archie Renaux, during her flight to London. In a state of confusion, Ana unintentionally presents herself as the owner of the auction house, leading to a lie that quickly spirals out of control, trapping Ana. Determined to secure her London adventure, Ana strives to please Claire by attending to her every need. Along the way, she also forms a close bond with William and even meets his mother, Catherine, portrayed by Lena Olin. Catherine, a former actress, is captivated by Ana's perceived position of power as an American. To watch this movie, visit Myflixer.