This event ended on May 31, 2024 1:09 PM CST

Re-sign without hesitation Hyun Gun Kang Sung-hyung-GS director Lee Young-taek

Friday May 31, 2024 hours 13:09 (UTC +08:00)


Friday May 31, 2024 hours 13:09 (UTC +08:00)


On the 9th, the 2024 Korea Volleyball Federation (KOVO) Women's Foreign Player Draft was held at Dubai Science Park in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Regardless of the draft, GS Caltex and Hyundai Engineering & Construction signed contracts with existing players Recitia Moma Basoko (Hyundai Engineering & Construction) and Gisele Silva (GS Caltex).

There were concerns until he came to the draft, but GS coach Lee Young-taek was solid.
"He is a foreign player who scored 1,000 points last season. There was no reason not to pick him," he said in expressing faith in Silva.

In a way, it was a given. He led the team's attack by himself, scoring 1005 points, a success rate of 46.8%, 0.36 per subset. In fact, it was the season "for Silva, by Silva, for Silva".

He was in charge of offense, chance making, and blocking during this season, and could not help but exhaust his physical strength. It is not strange that he collapsed due to an injury next season. Therefore, the most important thing that Coach Lee Young-taek considers "management" with Silva next season.

"We picked players who we had in mind for the Asian quarter, and I think we will do well if Silva also performed well last year. They say our team's middle blocker is weak, but we will improve the players we brought in. I think there is a possibility. I will choose the main players through infinite competition. I think it will be better than I feared."

Coach Lee Young-taek finished the interview with his thoughts on reorganizing the team with Silva as the centerpiece. It was an interview that I couldn't help but wonder about Silva's fate next season.

Meanwhile, Hyundai Engineering & Construction coach Kang Sung-hyung, who won the championship with MOMA, was also positively considering renewing his contract with MOMA.

"Both the players and the coaching staff had good progress to the championship, so I considered renewing the contract. I played the entire game without any injuries. I stayed there silently. I ate with my mom before going back. My knees are tired because I jump a lot, but I hope they rest well." He said he had thought about playing in another league, but he told his team that he is taking a break from his personal training in France as well.

His strengths and weaknesses were also evident. Kang cited his high-ball RBI relative to his height as strength. On the other hand, he cited low blocking and serve after replacement of pitches as weaknesses. However, he added that he is looking forward to seeing his performance improve as he progresses to the second half.

Except for Kim Ju-hyang (GS Caltex), Hyundai Engineering & Construction has seen little change in its team this season. "Young players have gained experience over the course of three seasons. If we continue to prepare well, I think we will be a better team. It is regrettable that Kim Ju-hyang has left the team, but we need to find alternative resources well," he said, expressing his intention to maintain and develop the current system.

Will Hyundai Engineering & Construction, which is once again trying to win "two consecutive championships" with Moma, be able to achieve its goal? With the addition of Asian quarters, how to target the higher height of the court seems to be an important task for coach Kang.

BY: 토토사이트 

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