Rules of speech and recommendations
- Time for presentation of work - 7 minutes. Answers to questions - 3 minutes.
- The uniform is business.
- The presentation should be clear, informative, concise.
- The speech should be clear, logical, thoughtful, competent, loud enough.
- You can go out with a folder and have a speech plan in front of you, but you cannot read the full text.
- The performance is accompanied by a presentation. Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 are recommended to be presented in the presentation each on one separate slide. Items 6-7 can be presented on 3-5 slides each.
- The presentation is intended not to duplicate the speech, but to make it more complete, interesting, and visual, to facilitate perception. A lot of text in the presentation should not be, it should contain only the main provisions, as well as photographs, diagrams, charts, tables, and other illustrative material.
- In the process of speaking, it is recommended to draw the attention of listeners to slides using a laser pointer.
- When answering questions, the speaker must show knowledge of the material, the ability to reason, lead a discussion, and observe scientific ethics. The form of self-presentation used is “we”.
- In answering questions, it is recommended and possible to use the phrases “Thank you for the question”, “As it seems to us ...”, “We believe ...”, “We can assume that ...”, “I find it difficult to answer, but I will turn to the study of this issue” etc.
Useful Introductory words
Linking words or linkers will help you not only logically express your thoughts in the research paper, but also make the text easy to read and structured to do my essay. Take these words on the note for everyday speech too, because the ligaments make it more logical and bring them closer to the speech of the native speakers themselves.
Each paragraph usually addresses one aspect of the main concept. Two paragraphs may relate to different aspects, but be interrelated. Sometimes the first sentence of a paragraph is introductory, that is, explaining what will be discussed to write my capstone project.
The logical transition from one paragraph to another sometimes causes serious difficulties for the author. To maintain the coherence of the text, it is necessary to direct the reader, give him signals. Introductory and connecting words that perform various functions can help with this.
Quotes and links
When you cite a book or other written source or transmit information in your own words, you must indicate the name of the author and the date of publication. You can do this as follows:
- Writing a good essay is difficult at times, but not impossible (Smith 1998). (“Writing a good essay is sometimes difficult, but no doubt possible (Smith 1998).”)
Verification and Editing
It is very important to re-read the work several times, even if you do not have to correct a lot. If you feel that “the eye is blurred” (and finding errors in your text is more difficult by definition), read the text to an outsider. A “call to a friend,” especially if that linguist, allows you to identify a significant percentage of poorly constructed sentences, as well as many grammatical and logical errors. You can dictate an essay on a sound recorder yourself and listen to it. Often this is how it is possible to detect inconsistency of grammatical constructions or inconsistencies in the logical course of things.