Get ready for an intriguing tale about two young women, Jamie and Marian, who are both desperate to escape their town for a while. Jamie, full of youthful energy, has recently bid farewell to her passionate ex-girlfriend, Suki, while Marian, the quieter one, hasn't had any romantic encounters since her separation from her husband years ago. In order to save some money, they decide to drive a Drive Away vehicle to Tallahassee, where the rightful owner will collect it. Little do they know, there is something unexpected hidden in the back of the vehicle. When they choose to take a longer route and extend their journey by a few days, they unwittingly become the target of a pair of criminals, Joel Slotnick and C.J. Wilson, led by the notorious Focal, who is determined to retrieve their valuable belongings. Don't miss out on this thrilling film, available to watch for free on without any subscription.