This event ended on December 17, 2024 1:00 AM EST

Master of Science in Cyber Security

from Dec 16, 2023 hours 23:00 (UTC -05:00)
to Dec 17, 2024 hours 01:00 (UTC -05:00)


from Dec 16, 2023 hours 23:00 (UTC -05:00)
to Dec 17, 2024 hours 01:00 (UTC -05:00)


An upcoming event focused on the Master of Science in Cyber Security Course is something we are delighted to promote. The students who are interested in a cybersecurity career will get a chance to learn more in-depth about it and interact with the professionals at the event.

About this event: An expert panel discussion on the status of cyber security, new dangers, and the abilities and knowledge required to excel in this profession will also be part of the event. Participants will get the chance to clear your doubts.

Course Description:
M.Sc in Cyber Security Programme Introduction
M.Sc Cybersecurity: What is it?
Understanding Cybersecurity
Why is there a rise in cybercrime?
What effects does cybercrime have?
How can your business be protected against cybercrime?
Examples of the harm that cyberattacks and data breaches have caused businesses
Are you at risk for a data breach at your company?

Who can attend?
Those who have completed their Bachelor's and interested in a career in cybersecurity are welcome to attend this event, regardless of their degree status, whether they are current-year graduates, working professionals, or those who want to switch their career. We ask those who are interested to confirm their attendance earlier in order to secure their place.

Note: We're excited to see you at the Master of Science in Cyber Security. However, catering to the demands of busy professionals, our Online training may affected for some time due to busy schedules or technical problems so classes may be delayed for 10-15 minutes. Kindly reach us at [email protected] for more assistance.

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Emma Thompson

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