This event ended on July 31, 2024 11:26 AM CST

Jamsil Stadium in Surprise Heavy Rain

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024 hours 11:26 (UTC +08:00)


Wednesday Jul 31, 2024 hours 11:26 (UTC +08:00)


A game between the LG Twins and the Hanwha Eagles was scheduled to be held at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on Wednesday. It was sunny until the afternoon.

However, after 4 p.m., a water bomb fell on Jamsil Stadium. The sudden downpour quickly turned the infield ground into a sea of water.

When Hanwha was preparing for its batting training, there was no time to cover the infield ground with tarpaulin due to torrential downpour. The team hurriedly covered only the mound and home plate with tarpaulin.

Kim Si-jin, the race commissioner, decided to cancel the rain at 4:40 p.m. Although the rain has tapered off, according to the weather forecast, there is a rain forecast after 6 p.m. at Jamsil Stadium.

As the rain was canceled, the starting pitcher for LG was replaced by Lim Chan-kyu, while for Hanwha, he changed from Moon Dong-ju to Weiss. Lim Chan-kyu has six wins, four losses and an earned run average of 4.35 in 16 appearances this season. He has one win and one loss with an earned run average of 5.56 in two games against Hanwha in this season.

Coach Yeom Kyung-yeop said before the rain cancellation, "Choi Won-tae has too long an interval between pitches. He took the mound for the first time in 13 days this time, but he threw a few balls and went down. If the interval between pitches is long, there will be a problem with the sense of the game," referring to his start against Hanwha on Sunday (28th).

Choi started the game against Lotte on Saturday and was sent off in the first inning when he threw a head shot that brushed Son Ho-young's helmet with one out and runners on the first and second bases. He threw 13 pitches.

Hanwha changed its starting pitcher. After the rain cancellation, Hanwha manager Kim Kyung-moon said, "Moon Dong-ju has been on standby for two consecutive days, so tomorrow will be difficult. Weiss will start tomorrow." Moon will prepare to start on Sunday (28th).

Weiss joined Hanwha as a substitute foreign player in mid-June and has one win, one loss and an ERA of 3.45 in five games. He became a losing pitcher against LG by allowing five runs in six ⅓ innings in Daejeon on the 14th. Moon Dong-ju will prepare to start the game on Sunday, the 28th.

BY: 토토사이트

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