The movie kicks off with the Union in deep trouble after a botched mission to rescue a CIA defector in Trieste, leading to the tragic loss of several agents, including Roxanne’s dear friend, Nick Faraday. In a twist of fate, an unassuming person is needed to carry out the mission. Enter Mike, played by Wahlberg, who happens to be Roxanne’s old high school sweetheart. Wahlberg brings a down-to-earth vibe as he makes his entrance without a shirt. Halle Berry shines as a seasoned intelligence officer, rocking a Catwoman-inspired leather outfit that highlights her skills. JK Simmons takes on the role of the leader of a team of working-class spies, bringing his signature no-nonsense, uncle-like authority to the screen. Directed by Julian Farino, known for his work on Giri/Haji and Entourage, the film masterfully ramps up the tension in its action scenes without overwhelming viewers. Catch the full story in stunning high-definition on HuraWatch.