This event ended on May 31, 2024 11:57 AM CST

Bang Chan-sol's goal as a basketball player dream team

Friday May 31, 2024 hours 11:57 (UTC +08:00)


Friday May 31, 2024 hours 11:57 (UTC +08:00)


The "2024 i-League (i-League) of Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, was held at the Domestic Sports Park on Sunday, and the Dream Team finished the day with two wins and one loss. Bang Chan-sol of the Dream Team was named MVP after his outstanding performance in the first game.

"Actually, I didn't get to practice very much. Despite that, I worked hard to win. It's not that hard because I won," Bang said with a smile.

Bang Chan-sol first started playing basketball at the age of 7. Although his goal was to grow taller, he is now immersed in the charm of basketball and is sweating joyfully with his friends.

"I started playing basketball in December when I was seven years old. I played basketball to grow taller, but I only grew 1 centimeter tall. Still, it was so much fun. I gained confidence. I'm glad to be able to sweat with my friends," Bang said.

Bang hopes to become a basketball player. His role model is Heo Woong, who won the MVP award last season by leading the Busan KCC playoff championship. He is sweating profusely every day, dreaming of becoming the next Heo Woong.

Bang said, "My dream is to become a basketball player. My position is shooting guard, but I like Heo Woong. The position is the same as mine. I want to work hard and become a player like Heo Woong later on."

BY: 토토사이트 

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